Friday, November 21, 2008

These are the worst of times. Economists say that we are in the middle of a recession and this is going to continue for quite a while. Imagine, all the big names of the world of business are stumbling down...Lehman Brothers..Merrill Lynch...Citibank...Now Mowtown biggies are next in line. Where is it going to end? Already people are being thrown out of their jobs. Yesterday's television picture of two desperate people, who just lost their child, looking blankly at the camera and talking about their hopeless situation is haunting me. Who's fault is this? Could such a thing be avoided?

In these times, we require compassion. We must stand next to our friends who are in need. May God give us the courage to overcome these overwhelming situations.

God Bless everyone!

Friday, November 03, 2006

A year gone by

I started with this page on the 1st of January this year...Suddenly when I make my second entry, I realize that a year has gone by... The year has brought mixed fortunes for me. Krish, my son was born on 18th May

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Hi Everyone

I welcome you all to my page....

Its a humble attempt to share our thoughts towards a world filled with love and show that we really care.

Looking forward to hearing from all of you...